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Home >> Practices >> Patent Prosecution and Maintenance >> Eric Hsieh
謝明偉 Eric Hsieh

Eric Hsieh

Patent Attorney


A former lithographic process engineer in TSMC, Eric’s practice encompasses aspects of patent applications involving industries such as integrated circuit and memory manufacturing, with an emphasis on advanced technological processes.

Eric currently serves as an Associate at Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law. He specializes in assisting international high-tech companies in global patent portfolio-building, including in the jurisdictions of United States, Japan, Europe, WIPO (PCT), China, and Taiwan.

Eric's technical experience focuses on areas of semiconductor manufacturing, memory fabrication, power and optical fiber connectors. He has cooperated with many domestic and international clients such as TSMC, NANYA, MOLEX, ROHM, etc.



Patent Drafting and Transnational Patent Protection; Patent Application and Maintenance; Search, Validity and infringement identification of Patent; Enforcement of Patent Right, Protection of Trade Secret, and the Dispute Resolution thereof


Process Engineer, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC)
Patent Engineer, Tsai, Lee & Chen Patent Attorneys & Attorneys at Law
Patent Engineer, Jianq Chyun Intellectual Property Group (JCIP)

