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Home >> Practices >> Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Assessment >> Yu-Ching Chang
張雨青 Frank Chang

Yu-Ching Chang



Mr. Yu-ching (Frank) Chang have a master's degree of oceanography and a bachelor's degree of chemistry. He has industrial experiences in fields of biotechnology, vacuum technique, semiconductor, flat panel display and solar cell. Mr. Frank Chang has extensive experience in patent prosecution, patent search, patent validity assessment, patent infringement investigation and patent litigation in the fields of materials, processes and apparatuses of chemical engineering, chemistry, medicine, vacuum technique, semiconductor, flat panel display and so on. He has participated in numerous patent dispute cases as well as infringement litigation cases, and helped the clients protect the validity of their patent rights, obtain patent royalties and assert against the infringers



Patent prosecution, patent search, patent validity assessment, patent infringement investigation and patent litigation in the fields of materials, processes and apparatuses of chemical engineering, chemistry, medicine, vacuum technique, semiconductor, flat panel display and so on.


ULVAC Taiwan, Co., Ltd.
Genemaster Biotechnologies, Co., Ltd.


PRC Patent Attorney Qualification

