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Home >> Practices >> Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Assessment >> Kyle Wu
吳孟凡 Kyle Wu

Kyle Wu



Kyle Wu provides professional advice regarding intellectual property rights to domestic and overseas clients that focus on research and development. Mr. Wu specializes in multi-national patent portfolio management and patent prosecution in the United States and Greater China. Before joining Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law, Mr. Wu was an R&D engineer at a photonics and fiber optics company in the United States. He developed strong expertise in the areas of laser optics, semiconductor processes, communication system, and green-energy materials. He also has rich experience in circuit design, memory design, and non-linear optics. Mr. Wu assists leading technology companies in expanding their research efforts into intellectual property rights protection. Notable clients include Realtek Semiconductor, TSMC, Nanya Technology Corp., and Goodix Technology Corp.



Patent Application & Drafting, Patent Search, Patent Invalidation, Patent Infringement, Litigation


Tsai Lee and Chen, Patent Attorneys and Attorneys at Law ) Patent Engineer
Optilab LLC, Az, USA R&D Engineer

