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Home >> Practices >> P.R.C. Practice >> Tzu-Lien Ou
歐姿漣 Tzu-Lien Ou

Tzu-Lien Ou

Senior Counselor


Ms. Tzu-Lien Ou graduated from Chemical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University in 1991, and obtained a degree of Master in Chemical Engineering from Chemical Engineering Department, National Taiwan University in 1993. She began her career as a patent engineer from 1995, and obtained the license of Patent Agency in 2002. After participating in the Professional Training Course for Patent Attorney in 2008, she obtained the license of Patent Attorney.

Ms. Tzu-Lien Ou has extensive experience in patent prosecution, patent search, patent validity assessment, patent infringement investigation and patent litigation in the fields of materials and processes of chemical engineering, chemistry, medicine, semiconductor, LCD and so on. She has participated in numerous patent dispute cases as well as infringement litigation cases, and helped the clients protect the validity of their patent rights, obtain patent royalties and assert against the infringers.



Patent Prosecution and Maintenance; Patent Enforcement, Trade Secret Protection and Dispute Resolution; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Search, Patent Validity Assessment, Patent Infringement Investigation


Member of Taiwan Patent Attorneys Association
Member of Asian Patent Attorneys Association
Patent Engineer in Taiwan International Patent and Law Office
Patent Engineer in Wen-Ping Patent, Trademark and Law Office


admitted 2008, Patent Attorney
R.O.C. licensed patent agent (2002)


2005 專利與其檢索
化工文獻搜尋與整理(五南圖書出版公司 印行)
