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Home >> Practices >> P.R.C. Practice >> Chi-Yu Wang
王啟宇 Chi-Yu Wang

Chi-Yu Wang



Mr. Chi-Yu Wang graduated from National Taiwan University with a bachelor degree in agricultural machinery engineering, and from National Chiao-Tung University with a master degree in mechanical engineering. Prior to joining Lee and Li in 2005, he was a mechanical engineer in TaiSol Electronics Co., Ltd. Chi-Yu specializes in: patent drafting, patent prosecution, patent search, patent validity assessment and patent infringement assessment for patent cases in mechanical field and design field. Chi-Yu also has experiences in supporting patent litigation and patent invalidation/cancellation actions.



Patent Prosecution ; Patent Drafting ; Patent Search ; Patent Invalidation Action ; Patent Infringement Assessment ; Patent Law


Patent Prosecution, Patent Drafting, Patent Search, Patent Invalidation Action, Patent Infringement Assessment, Patent Law

