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Home >> People >> Counselor >> Yung-Cheng Hsieh
謝永成 Yung-Cheng Hsieh

Yung-Cheng Hsieh



Mr. Hsieh is a counselor at Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law. His technical experience is concentrated in the areas of Semiconductor fabrication, IC Packaging and Testing technology, Display Panel fabrication, MEMS technology, Touch Technology, and Optoelectronic Device. He has drafted or overseen the drafting of more than 1,000 international patent applications in Taiwan, China, the European Union, the United States, Japan and Korea, and with the WIPO under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Mr. Hsieh has assisted many multinational high-tech companies including Nanya Technology Corp., MOLEX LLC, Microelectronics Technology Inc., and STAR Technologies, Inc. with consistent success. Mr. Hsieh also has extensive experience in patent invalidation and litigation, and has provided professional services to a broad range of international companies for years with remarkable success.


National Tsing Hua University (1997): Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering
TamKang University, (1995): Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry Science


1. Nanya Technology Corp.: patent application drafting for DRAM, 2. MOLEX LLC: patent application drafting for electronic connector, 3. Microelectronics Technology Inc.: patent application drafting for microwave communication device, 4. STAr Technologies Inc.: patent application drafting for semiconductor device testing apparatus, 5. Represented HUGA Optotech Inc. in LED-patent invalidation and litigation, 6. Represented Source Photonics Inc. in LD litigation., 7. Represented AU Optronics Corp in LCD litigation, 8. Represented MOLEX LLC in patent invalidation and litigation, 9. Represented Industrial Technology Research Institute in patent invalidation and litigation, 10. Represented Polytronics Technology Corp in patent invalidation and litigation, 11. Represented Pixart Imaging Inc. in patent invalidation and litigation, 12. Represented Logah Technology Corp in patent invalidation and litigation, 13. Represented STAr Technologies Inc. in patent invalidation and litigation, 14. Represented MK Electron Co., Ltd. in patent invalidation and litigation


Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law: Counselor
RITEK Corp.: R&D Engineer
North America Intellectual Property Corporation: Patent Professional


China Patent Agent

2006 高科技產業併購與專利權評估
