• 黃麗倩

    Josephine Huang Counselor


    worldwide trademark related services, including domestic and foreign trademark application, registration and maintenance, trademark search, trademark watch, trademark licensing, trademark assignment, trademark dispute case, trademark recordation with the customs, providing clients with suggestions, management, strategy planning and legal consultation relating to domestic and foreign trademark protection

  • 劉君怡

    Joyce Liou Counselor


    Patent prosecution and strategy consultation; Patent-related administrative appeal and administrative suit

  • 許文亭

    Katie Hsu Counselor


    Practice Areas: Patent Prosecution, Patent Drafting, Patent Search, Patent Invalidation, Infringement, Assessment; Technology Areas: Material Science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmaceuticals, Semiconductor, Solar Cell

  • 廖念勤

    Nein-Chin Liao Counselor


    Trademark Act; Trademark Prosecution and Enforcement; Trademark/Copyright Dispute Resolution; Unfair Competition Law; Domain Name Dispute Resolution

  • 王瑤珮

    Orchid Wang Counselor


    Patent Prosecution, Patent Drafting, Patent Due Diligence, Infringement Assessment, Chemistry/Chemical Engineering (organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, materials, pharmaceuticals)

  • 蔡亦強

    Philip Tsai Counselor


    Patent Prosecution and Maintenance; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Search, Patent Validity And Infringement Assessment

  • 邱柏青

    Raul Chiu Counselor


    Patent application and drafting; Patent Search; Patent cancellation; Patent infringement litigation

  • 楊瑞吉

    Reggie Yang Counselor


    Patent Prosecution and Maintenance: Mechanical Engineering, Design; Patent Enforcement and Dispute Resolution; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection; Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Assessment

  • 林詩尹

    Selina S. Y. Lin Counselor


    trademark prosecution; trademark dispute; trademark administrative suit; trademark enforcement; copyright enforcement; domain name dispute and fair trade

  • 曾君懿

    Serene Tseng Counselor


    Trademark; Copyrights Enforcement, Maintenance and Dispute Resolution; Trademark Dispute Resolutions; Global Trademark/Copyright Protection (including Dispute Resolutions); P.R.C. Practice; Competition Laws

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