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Home >> Practices >> Public Law Dispute Resolution >> Ryan Wang
王志鈞 Ryan Wang

Ryan Wang

Senior Attorney


Ryan Wang is a senior attorney at Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law specializing in litigation. His practice focuses on civil litigation, administrative litigation, arbitration, and dispute resolution via financial ombudsman institutions. Ryan is frequently relied upon by domestic and foreign corporate clients to resolve civil or administrative disputes. He has worked on many major cases, including high-profile public nuisance class action lawsuits, shareholder voting rights litigation, administrative litigation over a mining right dispute and administrative litigation over a removal action on groundwater contamination, and application for J. Y. Interpretation No. 737. He has also represented financial institutions in complex high-risk product disputes, investment loss disputes, and misappropriation disputes. Ryan has accumulated vast experience in urban renewal. He participated in the planning of many public urban renewal projects, providing counsel to urban renewal institutes, and selecting appraiser for the right transfer process.



Civil Dispute Resolution; Public Law Dispute Resolution


Taipei Bar Association (2016)

