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Home >> Practices >> Patent Enforcement, Trade Secret Protection and Dispute Resolution >> Chih-Yu Chen
陳致豫 Chih-Yu Chen

Chih-Yu Chen

Senior Patent Attorney


Chih-Yu is a registered patent attorney. Prior to joining Lee and Li, she was an R&D engineer in TSMC, contributed to the development of advanced technologies. She has extensive experience in drafting and prosecuting of patent applications and conducting patent search, and is also experienced in rendering opinions on infringement and freedom to operate, and handling patent invalidation actions. Representative technologies in which she has practiced include chemical engineering, liquid crystal display technology, and semiconductor manufacturing-related technologies. She is also a qualified Dedicated Air Pollution Control Specialist (Class A) and a member of the Environmental, Safety and Health Team of Lee and Li. She has performed due diligence and providing legal compliance services for clients with respect to air pollution control.



Patent Prosecution and Maintenance; Patent Search, Patent Validity And Infringement Assessment; Patent Enforcement, Trade Secret Protection And Dispute Resolution; Patent Drafting and Global Patent Protection: Chemical Engineering, Liquid crystal display technology, Semiconductor


Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company (TSMC) (2007-2010)


Taiwan Patent Attorney (2017)
Dedicated Air Pollution Control Specialist (Class A) (2018)

