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Home >> Practices >> P.R.C. Practice >> Ming-Jie Cheng
鄭名杰 Ming-Jie Cheng

Ming-Jie Cheng

Senior Patent Attorney


Cheng Ming-Jie graduated from the Electronic Engineering Department, National Taipei University of Technology in 2001 and obtained his Master's degree in Electro-Optical Engineering from the Electro-Optical Engineering Department, National Taipei University of Technology in 2003. In 2005, He joined Lee and Li. He went to Japan in 2009 under a scholarship by Interchange Association, Japan to study at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and obtained his M.S. degree from the Graduate School of Innovation Management in 2012. Right after his 3-year stay in Tokyo, he returned to Lee and Li to continue his professional career. He passed the Chinese patent bar in 2013. His major practice area is patent prosecution associated with electronics, semiconductor process, LCD, computer science, etc., patent invalidation and patent litigation.



Patent Prosecution And Maintenance; Patent Enforcement, Trade Secret Protection and Dispute Resolution; Patent Drafting And Global Patent Protection; Patent Search, Patent Validity and Infringement Investigation


China Patent Attorney Qualification (2013)

