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黃柏維 Powei Huang

Powei Huang Powei Huang



Mr. Powei Huang is a Senior Associate at Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law. With a MBA degree in intellectual property, he has extensive expereice in dispute resolution and prevention as well as licensing regarding intellectual property rights, especially tradrmarks, patents and copyrights. He has represented many foreign and domestic clients to resolve all sorts of civil and criminal disputes and seek administrative remedies. He has also participated in corporate disputes with respect to shareholders' meeting and family affair and heritage cases. He often assists the clients in in-court and out-of-court mediation and negotiations. Landmark cases Mr. Huang has worked on include - Representing a e-broadcasting company to argue license and breach disputes against a local industrial giant with respect to broadcasting right over world-class sport game. - Representing a German company in a class action regarding consumer disputes. - Assisting a Japanese technology company in a revocation action against a resolution of a shareholders' meeting and subsequent power of management issues. - Handling trademark disputes between a Swiss-based cosmetics company against its competitor. As a member of Lee and Li's Patent Enforcement, Trade Secret Protection & Dispute Resolution and Food & Medical Practice Groups, Mr. Huang frequently provides advices on labelling and strategy of exercising intellectual property rights. Mr. Huang also advises clients on compliance, contract drafting and review, and risk assessments of transactions.



Civil Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property Rights, Fair Trade Act, Licensing and Dispute Resolution, Contract Drafting and Review


Intern, Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law
Legal Consoul, Macronix International Co., Ltd.


Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2015)


2023年 Taipei High Administrative Court's Latest Ruling: Patent Information of "Category II New Drugs" Allowed to be Submitted in Patent Linkage Registration System
2022年 Taipei High Administrative Court's Latest Ruling: Patent Information of "Category II New Drugs" Allowed to be Submitted in Patent Linkage Registration System
