
ホーム >> 専門分野 >> 訴訟・紛争解決 >> Jeffrey Li
李劍非 Jeffrey Li

Jeffrey Li Jeffrey Li



Jeffrey Li practices in the dispute resolution practice group of Lee and Li. In addition to international arbitration and civil litigation, he is experienced in administrative appeals and litigation cases. The administrative litigation cases dealt with by Jeffrey include multiple natural resources and energy development and permits disputes, soil and underground water pollution control or remediation dispute, food safety, tax dispute, tobacco advertisement dispute, and foreigner's investment application dispute, as well as the interim measures or administrative injunction.

Jeffrey is also an expert in the field of constitutional litigation. For international litigation, Jeffrey is experienced in cross-border dispute management without being limited to a different jurisdiction and legal culture. Jeffrey constantly helps clients working with lawyers from different jurisdictions and forming the best strategy and mode to tackle a myriad of issues.

Jeffrey often assists foreign and local companies in handling public law issues in the applications to the government and the interaction with the government. The issues include the applicability of new or amended laws, administrative due process, and whether certain government decision is proportionate. Jeffrey specializes in helping clients solve issues and bargain with the government via the public law profession.

Jeffrey is the chairman of the Constitutional Litigation Committee of the Taiwan Bar Association and lectures at the Soochow University Law School. He wrote multiple books and articles in the field of public law, litigation and arbitration.



Administrative Litigation and Constitutional Petition; Arbitration: Commercial Arbitration, Investment Arbitration; Cross Border Dispute Management; Administrative Law and Constitution; Environmental Law; Energy Law; Government Procurement Law; State Compensation; Civil Dispute Resolution


Adjunct Lecturer, Laws School of Soochow University (Comparative Constitutional Law) (2020)
Admitted to Taiwan Bar Association (2010)
Arbitrator and Chairman of the Young Arbitrator Committee, Chinese Arbitration Association (2010)


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